RgbHouse – Effects Plugins Templates Generators Trasitions for Final Cut Pro X

TILT SHIFT for Final Cut Pro X

TILT SHIFT for Final Cut Pro X

Nov 1, 2011

Aviable Now in MacAppStore



What it is ? – This is a Tilt Shift Effect aka Miniaturize or Shrinkray) for FInal Cut Pro X

How it works ? – click the launch button. Motion 5 will start itself. When Motion is open click save as. Write a template name – Tilt Shift and choose category RGB HOUSE or make it. Click Publish and you are done. If you don’t have Motion 5 look at installation – how to install in FCP.

In Final Cut Pro you will find in Effects RGB HOUSE group, where will be Tilt Shift. Drag this Effect directly on clip in timeline. When it’s there You can easily adjust blur amount, place sharp field UP or DOWN and SKEW – a kind of rotation. Check video demo.

System requirements ? – Lion and Final Cut Pro X or Motion 5, rendering time depends on your machine.


  1. Hamper /

    I must be missing something. After “BUYING” your app it wouldn’t open Motion from the Launch Screen. So I un packaged the app to find the Tilt shift file. It then opened Motion and I did exactly as you said. It turned up in Final Cut but when I went to apply it a big red warning showed up and it would not work over the footage.
    Does the Tilt Shift Affect have to exactly match the Projects or can it be applied to any movie size or aspect ratio.
    I read the warnings on the app store but one guy got it working so I thought i should be able to as well.
    Can you please help me and all the other disappointed buyers

    • Try to install manually, remember to choose Motion templates.localized (in finder info You find information)
      Just put resources of app there (and change name of folder)
      It was designed for full hd 1080 p, but it could be applied as You desire.

  2. Hamper /

    OK Thanks Serge.
    It has finally worked and it is a really cool affect that can be easily adjusted.

    For others who couldn’t get it to work heres what I did.

    Go to your Movies Folder/Motion Templates/Effects.
    Open another Finder Window and go to your Applications Folder. Control Click on the App and choose “Show Package Contents”
    Choose Contents and then Copy and paste the Resource Folder into the Effects Folder in other window.
    Rename the Resource folder you just pasted “RGB House”

    Fire up Final Cut and it should work

    Apart from the couple of hours I lost trying to get it to work this App is well worth the money.

    The initial link to open Motion just needs to be fixed so the App works properly from the download

    Thanks for the help.

  3. richard /

    I bought tilt shift for fcpx , I followed your video, and nothing????in effects of FCPX.
    I have a powerbook i7 and FCPX 10.0.8(french)
    can you help me?

    • Serge /

      Hi, try to describe step by step.
      Right click on app and reveal contents.
      Dig in to TiltShift folder look inside. Inside should be
      Put that all in folder Motion Teplates/RgbHouse/TiltShift /TiltShift.moef
      Remember that motion file should be .moef sometimes has other ends but effects should be moef.

  4. richard /

    it is ok , no slide resources but Copy and stick…..

    See again your video, There is a problem…


  5. eric /

    Hi there! i need help please! i bought the “tilt shit” downloaded, the resources move to the “motion templates.localized” , just like in the instructional video, but still the “RGB house” folder doesn’t appear my final cut effect Browser.

    • Serge /

      Hi Eric,
      Maybe the folder have a slightly other name check spell.
      There is another way if You have Motion, jest douglas click and publish effects Yourselve.
      One more solution. If You dig to resources then dig depper to find Motion file then put the file alone in desired directory.
      Should be fine.
      Update with automatic extract is on the way.

      • eric /

        In fact Serge, i was able to get it to show in the effect browser but now it is a blue thumbnail, and it doesn’t work.

  6. eric /

    Thank you for answering so quick!, i try everything you said but no “Motion” because it is $49 , and nothing seems to work, what a shame! do you think i can get my $$$ reimbursed??? if you think of anything else please let me know.

  7. franci /

    hi serge i just bought your the tlt and shift for my fcpX and i don’t have Motion5. I have done all you say in your tuto but I don’t see RGBhouse in the “effects”. CAn you help me please !

    • Serge /

      Hi, try to describe step by step.
      Right click on app and reveal contents.
      Dig in to TiltShift folder look inside. Inside should be
      Put that all in folder Motion Teplates/RgbHouse/TiltShift /TiltShift.moef
      Remember that motion file should be .moef sometimes has other ends but effects should be moef.

      One more solution. If You dig to resources then dig depper to find Motion file then put the file alone in desired directory.

      Should be fine

      • franci /

        I’m sorry serge but when i reveal contents and I dig in resources as you said i have inside:
        - demo.mp4
        - en.lproj
        - icon.icns
        - large.png
        - small.pong
        - Tilt Shift 1.1moef
        So I put all this folder inside motion templates/effects and it doesn’t work…

        • Serge /

          As I see the file was installed minimum twice without trashing previous.
          File should have name TiltShift.moef one (1) it’s the trace of doubling the file by the system.
          Carefully spell, rename the file, check the path.
          Will be fine.

  8. franci /

    Sorry but it is not clear at all.
    The file name is exactly : Tilt Shift 1.1moef
    One more thing, there is not a reallly “Icon” but à blank page representing the file.
    Please tell me exactly what I have to do!!!

    • Serge /

      Rename to TiltShift.moef
      File with number have wrong name.
      There is no icon because You don’t have Motion.

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