RgbHouse – Effects Plugins Templates Generators Trasitions for Final Cut Pro X

Lens Flare for Final Cut Pro X

Lens Flare for Final Cut Pro X

Jan 28, 2012

Aviable Now in Mac App Store



What it is ? – Lens Flare for Final Cut Pro is a powerful plugin that will allow one to easily add lens flare effects to a video using Apple’s Final Cut Pro or Motion.

How install it ? – click the launch button. Motion 5 will start itself. When Motion is open click save as. Write a generator name – Lens Flare and choose category RGB HOUSE or make it. Click Publish and you are done. If you don’t have Motion 5 look at support site – how to install in FCP.

How it works ? – In Final Cut Pro you will find in Generators RGB HOUSE group, where will be Lens Flare. Drag this generator above all clips in timeline. When it’s there remember to change blending mode to Screen (in video section). You can adjust color, steak color, glow, intensity, scale – apacity and blur of artifacts, position. Any parameter could be stored as a keyframe, so You can easily animate the flare.

System requirements ? – Lion and Final Cut Pro X or Motion 5, rendering time depends on your machine.


  1. martinirosso /

    hi, i just bought your app on app store but i cannot add it to my motion 5 filters in MOTION 5.
    what can i do to add it? i tried to save the project doing ‘save as’ , the way you explained on the site, but it saves it only as motion project. i don’t see the ‘PUBLISH’ tab…
    it doesn’t actually go to the filter or generator file.

    can you explain it to me?
    (you should really do a video for the install…)


    by the way :you app is great. motion 5 really was missing a nice good FLARE!!! :-)

    • Serge /

      Hi, thanks for purchase.
      This plugin works as a generator in Final Cut Pro X. In Motion is a project group. You could place it above Your project and controll it by RIG.

  2. martinirosso /

    ok, you mean i have to paste it ONTO my project? but it cannot be used as an independent filter , exact?

    • StephenRidley /

      I figured it out. Hit “Publish as template” then under the name and everything, when you’re giving it a title, check the “Publish as Final Cut Generator” box. That should work…

  3. I need this app, but it does not install as instructed. Motion 5 does not open up automatically. I placed the app manually in FInal Cut Pro X / Motion. Furthermore, the effect has a heavy green cast to it. Any help? Thanks.

    • You can change green cast to any other (white – means none) with inspector, even Color of artefacts (ligt circles)
      can be changed there.

  4. StephenRidley /

    When I opened it up, it said I could either open it as original, or as “Untitled”. I tried both, but I’m not sure how to save it to FCPX. Clicking “save as” saves it as a project, and publishing as a template doesn’t work either. Can you tell me what’s wrong?

  5. Stinger /

    Hi there, I’ve just bought lens flare but it doesn’t work, I install it manully because I don’t have motion 5. But I not see it in FCPX in generators. I had folder motion template/effects in video folder…I don’t know where is problem? Can you help me please ? Thanks

    • Serge /

      Check if the Motion templates folder is localized. Ful name should be motion templates.localized se in Your get info (right click on folder).
      Ordinary Motion templates doesn’work.
      Hope it helps.
      Regards Serge

      • Stinger /

        Hi Serge, Thanks for your help, but it’s still doesn’t work:( I’m sad, I tryed all process again and nothing changed. Name is corectlly motion templates.localized…

        What can I do next please ?

        • Serge /

          Hi, try to dwescribe step by step.
          Right click on app and reveal contents.
          Dig in to Lens Flare folder look inside. Inside should be
          Lens Flare.motn
          Put that all in folder Motion Teplates/RgbHouse/Lens Flare/Lens Flare.motn

          Remember that motion file should be .motn sometimes has other ends bu generator should be motn

          Should Work – otherwise a have no idea whats wrong

  6. Stinger /

    Thanks a Lot!!! A moved into folder generators, I had in effect bacause it is write in instructions in installation, movies/motion templates/effects. I don’t know why because it’s working. Thnaks again friend.


  1. Lens Flare for Final Cut Pro iOS Mobile App ID 498738619 - [...] (App ID 498738619)Genre or Category: VideoPrice: $3.99Version: 1.0Developer: Sergiusz Wasilewski at http://rgbhouse.com/?p=179Rating: out of 5, by usersContent Rating: ...

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